The Java programming language was originally created in 1995 by James Gosling from Sun Microsystems (acquired by Oracle Corporation in 2010).
The goal was to provide a simpler and platform-independent alter‐ native to C++. Java programs run inside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is the same on every platform from the application programmer’s perspective.
Java is used in all industries for almost any type of application. If you master it, your chances of getting employed as a software developer will be higher than if you specialize in some domain-specific programming languages.There are more than nine million professional Java developers in the world, and the majority of them are ready to share their knowledge by posting blogs and articles or simply answering technical questions online. If you get stuck solving some problem in Java, the chances are very high that you’ll find the solution on the Internet.
Because the pool of Java developers is huge, project managers of large and small corporations like to use Java for the development of new projects—if you decide to leave the project for whatever reason, it’s not too difficult to find another Java programmer to replace you. This would not be the case if the project were being developed in a powerful, but less popular language, such as Scala. At this point you may ask, “Does that also mean that my Java skills will be easily replaceable?” It depends on you.
Not only is Java open-source, but there are thousands and thousands of open-source projects being developed in Java. Joining one of these projects is the best way to get familiar with the process of project development and secure your very first job without having any prior real-world experience as a programmer.
The Java language is object-oriented (OO), which enables you to easily relate program constructs to objects from the real world. On the other hand, recently added lambda expressions allow you to program in Java in a functional style.
The IT world is changing and people often use more than one language in the same project. Java is not the only language that runs in JVM. Such languages as Scala, Groovy, Clojure, JavaScript and others also run on JVM. So being familiar with the JVM opens the doors to being a polyglot programmer within the same operating envi‐ ronment.
The server-side applications that are deployed in the JVM scale well. The processing of thousands of users requests can be arranged in parallel by splitting the job between rather inexpensive servers in a cluster.
Java as a development platform has many advantages over other environments, which makes it the right choice for many projects.